RHDV - September 2020

Dear clients,

With regards to the recent detection of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease in Singapore, Monster Pet Vet is in contact with the relevant government agencies and we are working to import the
vaccines as soon as possible.

Until we get the vaccines in, our clinic has implemented the following measures to prevent any further outbreaks.
● Staff members are following a strict protocol of not handling different bunny patients at
the same time. We are also doing thorough disinfection cleanings after every bunny.
This is to prevent cross contamination between patients.
● Bunny patients at our clinic are being housed in alternate cages to maximise space in
between them to prevent any close contact.
● Bunny waste matters and leftover food materials are being disposed off properly with
minimal exposure to the environment.
Monster Pet Vet would like to advise our clients to remain vigilant and practice good personal
hygiene after contact with any bunnies around them.

Please ensure that you wash your hands with soap after interacting with your bunnies and
please upkeep good husbandry practices.
Please also keep away from exposure to other bunnies and to the outdoors. Do not engage in
bunny parties or playdates and try to keep all bunnies indoors, away from soil and insects (can be carriers of the disease).

If you notice that your bunny has fallen ill, please keep them isolated and have them seen by a vet immediately. However, if they are healthy and happy, please hold off on all elective
veterinary and grooming appointments until they have been vaccinated.
For more information, please visit
https://www.nparks.gov.sg/news/2020/9/detection-of-rabbit-haemorrhagic-disease or call us at 6327 9148.

Thank you for your understanding during this period of time.
